Affiliate Partners

Safe Harbor Marinas

In selecting a marina for our sailboat, we found Safe Harbor to boast the best locations, amenities, service, and world wide benefits–especially in sailing from marina to marina!

West Marine

West Marine has become an invaluable resource both in person and via mail to both teach, learn, and supply boat needs. They can be found up and down the East Coast.


In searching for equipment, boat items, parts, and accessories, Amazon has become a valuable source, both economically and efficiently through its wide ranging partners.

Throughout various blogs I mention how literature has paved the way for discovery of places, cultures, people, and new worlds. Dive in and find a book that peaks your interest!

Bluehost Web Hosting and Site MNGT

Bluehost works alongside WORDPRESS to help you host, build, manage, and create dynamic websites to meet the needs of your new business.



Our additional local Affiliate Partners: